Tips Becoming On The Best Designers Graphic

Tips Becoming On The Best Designers Graphic - Regardless of your ability in the field of graphic design (which was definitely when you decide, then you are already convinced by your own ability), there are a few things to note when you start a career in this field, particularly for the freelancers who must have extra abilities aside from technical as well how to deal with clients. Surely this also is very influential with the desire to become a graphic designer.
Tips Becoming On The Best Designers Graphic
Tips Becoming On The Best Designers Graphic
Tips Becoming On The Best Designers Graphic
A graphic designer is required always creative, no matter how conditions or perhaps her feelings at that time. They are always confronted with the creative world every day always change. Well, for you who made their living as a graphic designer, very necessary, enhance the skills that you have.
Love of work is the key to success in business. You could certainly imagine how while working in conditions of distress and were forced to work with a feeling of being happy. A feeling of love will guide you get inspiration and creativity more easily. You will not feel bored for hours sitting in front of a computer with a pile of work when you love the work you are doing. And when boredom often struck even created a prolonged turmoil, then I think the work of graphic design is not suitable for you.
Well let us refer to some of the following points are recommended by practitioners of graphic design from different parts of the world. Points are just basic tips, of course many other things that need to be studied, and the experience will be a teacher over time. Refer to the following tips:

1. Read Website or Blog 

Today, not only is the book that can add to our insight, web or blog of people who we don't know it can be a good source of information. Don't be ashamed to learn from people. Read their blog relating to the dredging and design of all existing information.

 2. Become A Collector

 If you want to improve as a graphic designer, pekalah against around. If on the road you see a design that inspires you, bring it home. Collect brochures or posters that you have into the file. So when you experience a deadlock, you can open a file for inspiration.

3. Make A Fake Project

To add to the portfolio, you make false project as creating a fake brand for a company. Create logo design, brochures, or website will certainly make the creativity you work without limitations.

4. Socialize with other graphic Designers

Not enough by following the design community, by attending the seminar as it was said before, relasimu will definitely increase. You will surely meet with other graphic designers. Try acquainted and exchanging social media that you guys have. By having an extensive network, will certainly enhance the skills that you have. With socialize will build results of new thinking has been obtained from the designers. course will hone the ability, if you keep trying.

5. Take The Class Design

 Many local college allows you to follow classes without studying full time or even with a long time.  

6. Follow the seminar

In addition to learning from the blog, it is advisable for you to occasionally follow seminars on design. You will definitely learn one or two new lessons from the seminar. Or you can also ask for an opinion to the elders.

7.  Redesign

The work you create resting-place, never deleted. For a moment, it could be you will recreate the old design that you think is bad. From there you will learn and realize how the lack of science or the number of errors the old designs. No need to be ashamed to have the work you think is bad, because from there you will learn if you could me-even better, redesign means proven ability you gain.

How? Not so difficult not to add kemampuanmu as a graphic designer? If you make the grapic designer as profesimu, you will certainly continue to do good things. Congratulations fight, Designer!

Make Photoshop edits in the empty layer instead of the existing

From ever editing an image, save, and then decide you don't like your edits? To avoid starting over, create an empty layer in Photoshop and editing on top of it.

Make Photoshop edits in the empty layer instead of the existing

Likely suffered even for beginners Photoshop user making a mistake editing won't fix the Undo button. Use empty layers using tools like cloning and healing and patching, and transfer content-aware, to avoid these errors.

Create a blank layer and empowering tool for editing multiple layers. Here's how:

1. Select the tool you want to use.
2. In the options bar, check the check box "sample all layers", or – depending on the tool-set the current sample menu & less than "or" all layers ".

Now when you make a mistake, you can delete the blank layer and start over with a new one. Use multiple blank layers instead of one to make your edits.
Think of it as a new word document is saved so that you cannot save more than your current one: when you make an edit that you want to keep, protect from making another new layer to your edits.

Introduction to Photoshop Tools

The toolbox basics 

Introduction to Photoshop Tools

Tools with little black arrows in their bottom right cornerright cornerindicate a tool group.  Alternate tools can be selected by clicking and holding down the top tool.
Introduction to Photoshop Tools

The toolbox in detail

 Move Tool
 Move ToolThe Move tool moves items in the document, such as selections, layers, and guides.

Marquee Tool
Marquee ToolThe Marquee tool selects a section of the document based on the shape of the chosen tool.

Tip: Holding down the shift key and making a new marquee will add to a current selection. Holding down option will take away. (There will be a little + or - by the tool that will let you know if you have one of these choices selected)

Lasso Tool
The Lasso toolsThe Lasso tools allow you to select a section of the document either by freehand, polygonal, or magnetic selections.
- The Lasso tool will close the selection will close automatically when the mouse is unclicked.
- The Polygonal Lasso tool and Magnetic Lasso tool need the ends of the selection to be joined for the section to become selected.
Tip: The same adding and subtracting methods discussed with the marquee tool work with the lasso tool..

Magic Wand Tool
The Magic Wand tool The Magic Wand tool selects areas of similar colors.
Tip: The default setting will only select the same colors that are touching each other (contiguous). However, this can be changed with the options bar.

Crop Tool
The Crop tool The Crop tool trims images.
Tip: When using Crop, the area that will be removed will be in shadow. The area can be expanded or contracted by clicking and dragging on one of the 9 points of the box. Once an image has been cropped, the only way to retrieve the parts that were removed is to undo the crop.

Healing Tool
The Healing toolsThe Healing tools fix up issues in the document such as blemishes and red eye.
- The Spot Healing Brush removes blemishes and objects.
- The Red Eye tool removes the red refl ection caused by a fl ash.
Note: The Healing Brush tool and The Patch tool are a little tricky to work with, so they won’t be covered in this handout.

Drawing Tools
The Drawing toolsThe Drawing tools let you draw in your document.
- The Brush tool paints brush strokes.
- The Pencil tool paints hard-edged strokes.
- The Color Replacement tool replaces a selected color with a new color.
Tip: If you want to draw in a very specifi ce place, with no spill-over, use the pencil instead of the brush.

Eraser Tools
The Eraser toolsThe Eraser tools erases pixels in the document.
- The Eraser tool will restore parts of an image to a previously saved state or will display the background color.
- The Background Eraser tool will turn the erased areas into a transparency.
- The Magic Eraser tool will erase everything of the same color into a transparency.
Tip: Color selection for the Magic Eraser tool works the same as the Magic Wand tool.

Fill Tool
The Fill toolsThe Fill tools fill color into areas of the document.
- The Gradient Tool creates a smooth straight-line change from the foreground color to the background color. 
- The Paint Bucket tool fills in areas of similar color with the foreground color.
Tip: Color selection for the Paint Bucket tool works the same as the Magic Wand tool.

Pen Tool
Pen ToolPen Tool is one tool that serves to make the line a path or curve on the image. Pen Tool shortcut on the keyboard was (p).
- Freefrom Pen Tool serves to make the line the path with a nicer shape.

Text Tool
The Type toolsThe Type tools add text to a document.
- The type tools create type on top of an image.
- The type mask tools make a selection of the document in the shape of type.
Tip: Both types can be used to create text either horiontally or vertically.

Shape Tool
The Shape toolsThe Shape tools draw shapes and lines in a normal layer or a shape layer.
- The Shape tools will create a solid color shape of their type.
- The Line tool will create a solid color line.
- The Custom Shape tool makes customized shapes selected from a custom shape list.
Tip: If you want to draw a rectangle or circle with a transparent center, it’s easlier touse the Custom Shape tool.

Color Picking and Ruler Tools
The Color Picking and Ruler toolsThe Color Picking and Ruler tools do not actually change the document in any way.
- The Eyedropper tool changes the foreground color to the color that is clicked on.
The Color Sampler tool is an advanced tool.
- The Ruler tool measures the distance, location, and angle between to points in the document.

Hand Tool
The Hand tool The Hand tool moves an image within its window.
Tip: This is very useful when the image is naturally larger than the window or zoomed in.

Zoom Tool
The Zoom toolThe Zoom tool magnifi es and reduces the view of an image.
Tip: To zoom out instead of in hold down the option key. When this is done, the + will turn into a -.

Learn the Pen tool in Photoshop? It is very easy to become a master pen tool

First, lets we introduction of the pen tool
Pen Tool is one tool that serves to make the line a path or curve on the image. Pen Tool shortcut on the keyboard was (p). Freefrom Pen Tool serves to make the line the path with a nicer shape. In addition to the Pen Tool can be used for the selection of objects can also be used to draw a path or object. could even say it is the simple tools in photoshop. However, it does not mean in a couple of hours, we study it became an expert,:D.
Learn the Pen tool in Photoshop? It is very easy to become a master pen tool
introduction of the pen tool
  Okay we practice how to use the Pen tool, and anything that we can use in the pen tool. After you open Adobe Photoshop we just select the Pen tool, or can we use the Shortcut ' P '. Yep this is to accelerate our work.
This Pentool

Oops We also need to understand what that path,
 A "path" is, quite honestly, something that may seem a little out of place inside a program like Photoshop. The reason is because Photoshop is primarily a pixel-based program. It takes the millions of tiny square pixels that make up a typical digital image and does things with them. Paths, on the other hand, have absolutely nothing to do with pixels, which is why I said they may seem out of place in a program that's used mainly for editing and drawing pixels. (

The type of pen tool
There are two types of pen tool in it,
1. the first is to create shape and form a new layer. Let's see.
The type of pen tool
 If we use this type, then the Shape will appear. Look at the picture. Easy right?
Shape will appear
To simplify, we check the Rubber band.
Rubber band
2. And the second is for selecting objects
 selecting objects
Let's see how it works,The selection of the objects we are going to cut, and then press right click > Make selection.
right click > Make selection
This spserti will appear

Press Ctrl + J (for duplicate), it will pop up a new layer, the last selection we choose.
Try to Hide the first Layer  of its main (Background)

 Okay that's the basics of pen tool, to see a history of pen tool we just look in the Path, then the tabs will appear above the path we make.
pen tool
You can grow your own from an already studied above, it would be fun if you're serious, spirit! :D

Online Php + MySQL Book in Urdu & English

Online Php + MySQL Book in Urdu & English

Creating a website is not an easy task. It entails a lot of hard work and exemplary programming skills. If you wish to build your own dynamic webpage or interactive websites, there are certain programming languages, such as PHP or MySQL that you will need to enhance first. Beginners, most especially, need to first learn from where to begin with the job. MySQL and PHP books have now been developed to help web developers and web designers alike. These books will guide them in getting on properly with their jobs.
If you're ready to create web pages more complex than those you can build with HTML and CSS, Head First PHP & MySQL is the ultimate learning guide to building dynamic, database-driven websites using PHP and MySQL. Packed with real-world examples, this book teaches you all the essentials of server-side programming, from the fundamentals of PHP and MySQL coding to advanced topics such as form validation, session IDs, cookies, database queries and joins, file I/O operations, content management, and more.

Php + MySQL Book in Urdu

Php + MySQL Book in English

Windows 10 Product Keys and Activation

Windows 10 Product Keys and Activation

Windows 10 will be the most used operating system which is released in back July, 2015. If you have problem with your current running windows 10 in your system and want to repair or re install windows then you need have windows 10 product key or serial key.

Windows 10 Product Keys 100% Working Serial Keys

For those who don’t have genuine version of windows 7 and 8 they need window 10 product key or serial key to activate the full and premium features of windows 10. After the launch of windows 10 people sharing Windows 10 keys but most them showing error or not working. 
So we spent many hours and put our efforts to find out and share with you 100% working windows 10 product keys, serial keys. These window 10 keys can be used to activate all versions of window 10 editions including pro and enterprise. All the keys given below are genuine and original that let you activated almost any version of window 10. Enjoy and don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comment section.

Windows 10 Product Keys and Activation

Windows 10 Install Key:
  • Windows 10 Home – YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7
  • Windows 10 Home Single Language – BT79Q-G7N6G-PGBYW-4YWX6-6F4BT
  • Windows 10 Home Country Specific – N2434-X9D7W-8PF6X-8DV9T-8TYMD
  • Windows 10 Education – YNMGQ-8RYV3-4PGQ3-C8XTP-7CFBY
  • Windows 10 Pro – VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T

Windows 10 Product Key:

  • TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99
  • W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX
  • MH37W-N47XK-V7XM9-C7227-GCQG9
  • WNMTR-4C88C-JK8YV-HQ7T2-76DF9

Windows 10 Home Single Language:

Windows 10 Home Country Specific (CN):

Windows 10 Professional Product Key:
  • W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX

Windows 10 Enterprise Product Key
  • NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43
  • PBHCJ-Q2NYD-2PX34-T2TD6-233PK
  • CKFK9-QNGF2-D34FM-99QX2-8XC4K

Other Windows 10 Product Key:
  • Windows 10 Professional Insider Preview build 10074, 10122, and 10130: 6P99N-YF42M-TPGBG-9VMJP-YKHCF
  • Windows 10 Technical Preview : NKJFK-GPHP7-G8C3J-P6JXR-HQRJR
  • Windows 10 Core Insider Preview build 10158, 10159, 10162, and 10166: KTNPV-KTRK4-3RRR8-39X6W-W44T3
  • Windows 10 Enterprise Insider Preview build 10074 and 10122: VTNMT-2FMYP-QCY43-QR9VK-WTVCK
  • Windows 10 Enterprise Insider Preview build 10158, 10159, 10162, and 10166: CKFK9-QNGF2-D34FM-99QX2-8XC4K
  • Windows 10 Professional Insider Preview build 10158, 10159, 10162, and 10166: 8N67H-M3CY9-QT7C4-2TR7M-TXYCV

I hope you will find right Windows 10 Product Key for your pc, If you see this article is useful for you , please like and share it 

MS Office Professional 2016 Free Download | Download Latest Free Software

MS Office Professional 2016 Free Download | Download Latest Free Software

MS Office Professional 2016 Free Download ISO for x86 / x64 with direct full offline standalone installer links for windows. MS Office Pro 2016 has Project and Vision with latest improvements in grammar, interface and pivot power as well.

MS Office Professional 2016 Overview

Microsoft Office Pro 2016 is upcoming business and home and professional business solution which integrates dozens of new features. The previous office products are familiar between both basic home users as well as business users. Most companies complete their surveys to know about the popularity of these products. Some of them announced that Office 2007 and 2010 are more familiar than Office 2013. In the past days when Windows XP was very popular so as the Windows 7 arrives, XP was replaced by users. This mean Office 2000 and Office 2003 was replaced with Office 2007 and 2010. Now the most recent versions of MS Office are 2013 and Office 365. Both of these have bundle of features to grow the graph of company or business.

MS Office Professional 2016

MS Office Professional 2016 Features:
Dozens of features are same like in other versions of office product but some of latest which force the consumer to upgrade there earlier product to latest. Microsoft has released individual version for both MAC OS X and Windows OS. Today is 22 September 2015 and according to Wikipedia, the developer will release the official version on this same day. So we're happy to share this product with our viewers on the same day it will release. Microsoft Office 2016 is available in 40 popular languages from worldwide. The spell checking and grammar is now improved and thousands of new thesaurus were added finally. The interface is now changed with adding 3 new themes to customize look & style at anytime.
MS Office Professional 2016
  • MS Visio and MS Project are earlier products listed in  Office 2013 for first time.
  • 3 available themes e.g. Dark Blue, Dark Grey and White 
  • Released for both Mac and Windows based devices 
  • File sharing over the internet is now simpler than ever before 
  • New insights feature added from Bing especially for Office 
  • Grammar feature improved with new words & suggestions 
  • Especially designed for  Windows 10 and touch based phones 
  • About 40 popular languages are supported to this version 
  • MS Office compatibilityfor Word, Excel and other products 
MS Office Professional 2016

List of Apps in MS Office Pro 2016:
  • MS Word 2016:  Create letters and pad with MS Word to represent your company 
  • MS PowerPoint 2016:  Take presentations through MS PowerPoint to enhance with audience  
  • MS Excel 2016:  Grow business though MS Excel to calculates values automatically  
  • MS OneNote 2016:  Save personal notes in MS OneNote to get access them from anywhere  
  • MS Outlook 2016:  Join Hotmail / live accounts with MS Outlook to stay tuned with inbox 
  • MS Publisher 2016:  Join and redesign pictures with MS Publisher with text, shapes and colors 
  • MS Access 2016:  Manage huge database though MS Access to manipulate each line / value  
  • MS InfoPath 2016:  Create % design electronic forms with MS InfoPath to get target values 
  • MS Lync 2016:  Send IM with MS Lync (Skype for business) to stay connected with friends  
  • MS Visio 2016:  Create flowchart and draw diagrams with MS Visio to justify the difference 
  • MS Project 2016:  Create a portfolio with MS Project to analyse budget and its progress 
MS Office Professional 2016

MS Office Professional 2016 System Requirements:

  • OS: Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Windows 10 
  • OS Environment:  x86 / x64  
  • CPU: Pentium III  
  • Processor Memory: 1.0 GHz  
  • Processor Type: Intel Simple Pentium with SSE2  
  • RAM: 1 GB (x86), 2 GB (x64)  
  • Hard Disk Space: 3 GB  
  • Graphics: Videos hardware acceleration with DirectX 10 graphics card.  
  • Graphics Driver:   Direct X 10 or higher  
  • Network Connection: Broadband DSL Connection  Others: Microsoft .NET Internet Explorer 

MS Office Professional 2016 Free Download:
After clicking on below blue download button, it will start MS Office Professional 2016 Free Download immediately. The below link is fully standalone offline installer setup for MS Office Professional 2016 version. This offline ISO file will be compatible with both 32-bit and 64 bit environments of  Windows 10 after extraction
MS Office Professional 2016 Application Details:

Product key for Microsoft Office 2016