Likely suffered even for beginners Photoshop user making a mistake editing won't fix the Undo button. Use empty layers using tools like cloning and healing and patching, and transfer content-aware, to avoid these errors.
Create a blank layer and empowering tool for editing multiple layers. Here's how:
1. Select the tool you want to use.
2. In the options bar, check the check box "sample all layers", or – depending on the tool-set the current sample menu & less than "or" all layers ".
Now when you make a mistake, you can delete the blank layer and start over with a new one. Use multiple blank layers instead of one to make your edits.
Think of it as a new word document is saved so that you cannot save more than your current one: when you make an edit that you want to keep, protect from making another new layer to your edits.
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Make Photoshop edits in the empty layer instead of the existing