The Secret Of How To Make A Unique Logo

iklan atas artikel
The Secret Of How To Make A Unique Logo - Well here I will explain the secret to creating a unique logo, but before that we must also know what is logo and logo functions. The logo is an image or simply sketch with a specific meaning, and to represent a sense of company, organization, product, region, country, institution, and other things need something short and easy to remember as the successor of her real name. The logo must have a philosophy and basic framework in the form of a concept with the aim of giving birth to a stand-alone nature or independent. The logo is more commonly known by sight or visual, like the characteristic form of the logo colors and shapes. (According to wikipedia)
The Secret Of How To Make A Unique Logo

It's obvious that the logo is one of the visual communication design. The logo is an art that not only as the identity of the brand but also the media to deliver iformasi brand to the public, influencing public opinion thought or against brand, as well as change the behavior of the public to realize the purpose of the brand. The logo is able to say many things about the brand. Because it is for that reason a logo designed. Each element contained in the logo of mutual support for influencing the public view against brand. the shape, color, line, type, everything would be sentences that describe what the logo owner runs his business.

The above paragraphs briefly explain the function of visual communication design in the form of a logo. to make it more clear, note the basic functions of visual communication design in this case is the logo:

1. as a means of identification (branding). As a means of identification, a logo is able to function as a form of recognition or identity for a product, service, or the identity of a person. Its function as an identity necessarily demands a logo to be able to animate and reflects the character of a person, company, product, or service that it represents. It aims to make what it represents the easy to identify, memorable, and easy to distinguish with the other identity.
2. As a means of information, controllers, supervisors and controllers. As we know that the logo contains an information delivered owner wanted the logo to the public. This information is used as a tool of control, either in the form of views as well as the behavior of the public against the owner of the brand logo. This means the logo became supervisor and controller of the brand image of the public think about the brand. But don't look at negative on the logo because it is considered controlling thoughts public. In this case, mind control is not an extreme so that whatever is said by the brand will be done by the public. Logo only pass on the information to give the desired impression. Such a recommendation is certainly not forced.

3. and others

The Secret Of How To Make A Unique Logo

The intent of this paper is not a tutorial or step-by-step create the logo, because it's already much-discussed in the books, web sites and in college schoolgirl design. Discussed here are occasionally discussed in the reference escapes. Something that ' surely ' but are often overlooked in creating a logo.


The logo is a symbol that serves as the identity of an entity (entity shapes can be individual, company or service). The logo is not only a symbol, but he must be identical (similar to the details) with the entity. So the first step in creating a logo is not a way to sketch the shape of the symbols, but must begin by recognizing and outs the entity.


The primary key so that the symbol be ' logo ' is that it must be unique. The difficulty, unique logo shape is often not familiar, so much cause rejection. "Ah, not this one. Because it is not like a Bank logo! "has a ke'seperti ' an with another major enemy is uniqueness. It needs to be emphasized that the logo doesn't have to illustrate the scope of his business (which could make it the same as the others), but the logo should be able to describe the character of the entity. Just follow the nature of natural entities, that every entity that is unique and should indeed not the same as the others.


Method or mechanism/procedure to make any logo should be made unique, i.e. tailored to the problem. Method of making a logo design should be continuously updated, sometimes the logo does not need to have visibility (visibility) or readability (readability) is high, because it looks should be somewhat mysterious, for example.


Be consistent logically coherent; that is, the logo must not be one that look-that's it. The logo can appear in variations of a particular configuration. So he is flexible, dynamic and capable of adapting to the environment as well as the surrounding conditions.


Lastly, avoid the mainstream form of the logo approach or take the current trend. Be not popular.
Congratulations on making the logo!

unique and meaningful!!
iklan atas artikel

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