Photoshop Text Effect : 10 Fresh Tutorials

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Photoshop Text Effect - Here are some of the 10 Fresh Text Effects Tutorials which show you how to create a variety of popular text effects in Photoshop.

How to Create Candy Cane Typography with Photoshop and Illustrator

Create a realistic folded paper text in Photoshop

Create a Cool Text Effect in Photoshop With a Single Texture

How to create Happy New Year 2011 greeting card in Photoshop CS5

Create Super Glossy 3D Typography in Illustrator and Photoshop

Cool Text Effect with the Puppet Warp Tool in Photoshop CS5

Design a Skin-Textured Typography Scene in Photoshop

Retro CMYK Triangle Text Poster in Photoshop

Use Google Sketchup and Photoshop to Create 3D Typography

Snow Covered Candy Cane Text Effect

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Photoshop Text Effect : 10 Fresh Tutorials
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